Healthcare Resources
FamilyCord recognizes the value and importance of your time. We have designed this website to help you provide your staff and patients with valuable and useful cord blood banking information. We will continue to offer you the most up-to-date information as the cord blood banking industry changes and grows.
Cord Blood Collection Instructions
Please call us at 800-490-CORD (2673) and we will send you a complete set of collection instructions. These instructions are automatically sent to you when one of your patients enrolls. A copy of the instructions is also included in every collection kit.
Emergency Collection Kits
As you may have observed, some patients inquire about cord blood banking at the last minute. Many times there isn’t time to send you and your patient the necessary materials for collection and enrollment. For this reason, FamilyCord provides emergency collection kits for your office and hospital. To request emergency collection kits for your office and/or hospital, click here.
Tours and In-Services
For those of you living or visiting Los Angeles, CA, we would to invite you for a tour of our Stem Cell Services Laboratory. Please call us at 800-490-2673 to schedule an appointment. We also periodically schedule in-services at hospitals when we have staff in the area. Please let us know if you would like to schedule an in-service for your staff.
Cord Blood Education Class
If you are a childbirth educator and would like to schedule a presentation in the greater Los Angeles area with our clinical educator for your childbirth education class or baby fair, contact us at 800-490-2673 ext. 3012.